Introduction to HTML 7 (Worksheet)
– 3
to HTML 7
HTML Introduction: -
HTML was first developed by Tim Berners
Lee in 1990 but was not released until the next version, which was published as
HTML 2.0 in the year 1995.
It is used to create electronic documents (called
pages) that are displayed on the World Wide Web.
It is made up of certain tags and
elements, which are used to display the content of the web page.
What is HTML? -
HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark Up
HTML is a language for describing web pages.
A markup language is a set of markup tags.
The tags describe document content.
HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain
HTML documents are also called web pages.
Tools required to Start HTML: -
Browser: - It
is a software on a computer on your computer that will help us to access and
display web pages.
For Example: - Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet
Explorer etc.
HTML Structure: -
This statement is used to tell the browser the type of
document it is dealing with. Since ours is an HTML document, we will have to
write <!DOCTYPE html> to tell that it is an HTML document.
This tag provides the information about the document.
It should always be enclosed in the < and > tag. There can only be one
<head> tag in the entire HTML document and will always be before the
<body> tag.
This tag defines the body of the HTML document. It
should always be enclosed in the <html> tag. All the contents which need
to be displayed on the web page like images, text, audio, video, contents,
using elements like <p>, <img>, <audio>, <heading>,
<video>, <div>, etc will always be enclosed by the <body>
tag. Also, there can be only one body element in an HTML document and will always
be after the <head> tag.
HTML Tags/Elements:
HTML markup tags are usually called HTML
HTML tags are keywords (tag names)
surrounded by angle brackets.
HTML tags are normally come in pairs like
<p> and </p>.
The first tag in a pair is the start tag,
the second tag is the end tag.
The end tag is written like the start tag,
with the forward slash before the tag name.
Start and end tags are also called opening
and closing tags.
There are two types of tags: - i.)
Dependent Tags, and ii.) Independent Tags.
Dependent tags need to be closed whenever
they are opened. The first tag is called start tag and second tag is called end
tag. The end tag has a forward slash before the tag name.
The Independent tags need not be closed.
For Example:- <img>
A Simple HTML Document: -
<title>Page Title </title>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first Paragraph</p>
HTML Attributes: -
Both dependent tags and independent tags
can have attributes.
They provide additional information about
the tags.
They are always specified in start tag and
not in end tag.
They have name/value pairs like name =
HTML Headers: -
There are six headers in HTML, h1 to h6.
<h1> headings should be used for main headings,
followed by <h2> headings, then the less important <h3>, and so on.
We cannot use header tags to make text big or bold.
For Example: -
HTML Paragraphs: -
HTML Paragraphs are defined with the </p> tag.
For Example: -
is a paragraph</p>
is another paragraph</p>
HTML Line Breaker: -
Use the <br> tag if you want a line
break (a new line) without starting a new paragraph.
The <br> element is an empty HTML
element. It has no end tag.
For Example: -
<p>This is <br>a
para<br>graph with line breaks</p>
HTML Comments: -
Comments can be inserted into the HTML
code to make it more readable and understandable. Comments are ignored by the
browser and are not displayed.
You can add comments to your HTML source
by using the following syntax.
For Example: -
—Write your comments here-->
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