Revision Worksheet, Employability Skills, Grade 9

 Revision Worksheet

Employability Skills, Code: 402

1.    Guess who am I: -                                                                                          (3m)

a.     I am the smallest unit of memory in a computer.

b.    I am system software that acts as an interface between computer hardware and the user.

c.     I am a folder in which all the sent e-mails are stored.

d.    I am a folder that contains deleted e-mails for up to 30 days.

e.     I am a type of pollution caused due to the sound generated by industrial and construction activities, factory equipment, and other types of machinery.

f.      I am a type of natural resource that is limited and cannot be recycled or recreated easily.

2.    Fill in the blanks: -                                                                                        (5m)

a.     The word environment is derived from the French word …………………... which means “surrounding.”

b.    A ………………………….. company’s shares are non-transferable and are not issued to the general public.

c.     One or more recipient’s e-mail address can be typed in the ‘To’ field separated by ………………………….

d.    The address of a web page is called …………………….

e.     …………………. printer produces high-quality print outputs by spraying drops of ink.


3.    Application based questions: -                                                                      (2m)

a.     If a person is suffering from stress, which type of self-management skill will you suggest to him to resolve this problem?

b.    Which type of self-management skill will help us to prioritize the given homework?


4.    Differentiate between the following: -                                                          (6m)

a.     Sending and Receiving an E-mail.

b.    Service business and Manufacturing Business.

c.     Green consumer and Green economy.


5.    Answer the following: -                                                                                 (12m)

a.     How does population impact the environment?

b.    Discuss briefly the elements of communication.

c.     What are the different managing folders of e-mail?

d.    Write about some measures using which the hurdles in communication can be eliminated or minimized.

e.     What is Entrepreneurship? Who is said to be a Self-Employed person?

f.      How IT helps people to expand their business on the Internet?



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